Pencil Portrait Drawing done from a photo
This pencil portrait drawing was done from a photo which I took myself. The photo I used to make the drawing was one of many. I always take a lot of photos searching to strike a balance between something special that represents a child and something artistic where the pose and lighting work well to create a work of art. I usually stress the importance of working from life but there are advantages to using photographs. This type of portrait would not be possible without the use of photography.
This is the case for the spontaneity of portraits captured outdoors in the sun or in other circumstances when it simply isn’t feasible for the subject to pose from life. When it comes to children under the age of eight the possibilities for a successful portrait are increased by using photography. This could actually be applied to a subject of any age.
Oil Portrait done from a photo - A good example of a portrait where it was far more practical to work from photos. This photo session probably took 15 - 30 minutes where I shot a lot of different ideas.
It would seem silly to paint from life when the photo provides so many clear advantages. One way of thinking about the question of which is better, is actually to think that they are two different kinds of portraits altogether. The portrait painted from life is an image that takes place over many moments in time revealing a perspective and accumulation of individual choices made by the artist. Many of those choices have to do with the artist’s commitment to development of their skill over years. The camera is a fantastic tool but it comes between the artist and the subject providing a mechanical set of completed choices for the artist to reinterpret when making the art.
This Oil Painted Portrait Sketch was done from life in a few hours. The loose sculptural brush work and sketchiness are a the kind of thing that looks best when done from life.
As mentioned, sometimes this is necessary and even indispensable or the portrait couldn’t get done. The good portrait artist takes the extensive practice they have working from life and uses that while painting from a photo. The artist who hasn’t maintained the skill of painting from life or doesn’t do it all, generally has a certain awkward stiffness and photographic flatness to their work that comes from only working from photos.
This large painting was done from a photo and could have not been done any other way. Sometimes capturing the moment with a camera makes everyone’s life easier.
For many people, maybe even most, this may be enough. If an “artist” traces and colors in the result imposing their technique that may enough. Admittedly, I’m a a bit of a purist and whether the portrait is done from life or from photos I strive to exceed expectations. However, when I am more level headed about all the artists out there, the main thing in the end is that you as the client are happy with the result.
This Charcoal Portrait Drawing was given to me by the client. It represents a time long past. In this case the photo reference was small and the final drawing was large. This is one of those instances where having a lot of experience helped me to add missing detail to the final drawing.